NO | NILAI QUIZ | ||||||||
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | ||
1 | ADLI KORIN![]() | 100 | 60 | 70 | 90 | ||||
2 | ANGGI ANUGRAH DLY![]() | 90 | 90 | 80 | 100 | ||||
3 | ASRI SUCI | 90 | 80 | 80 | 90 | ||||
4 | DANIL SAHRIZAL FAHMI![]() ![]() ![]() | 100 | 90 | 100 | 100 | ||||
5 | FITASYA MAHIRA![]() | 80 | 90 | 80 | 100 | ||||
6 | INGGIT AGNES SHANIYA | 80 | 90 | 80 | 80 | ||||
7 | M.MAHROZA![]() | 100 | 90 | 90 | 60 | ||||
8 | M. DAFFA MAULANA | 40 | 50 | 50 | 90 | ||||
9 | M. WAHYU![]() ![]() | 100 | - | 70 | 100 | ||||
10 | NESA AQILA | 80 | 70 | 60 | |||||
11 | RAIHAN ARIQ P | 80 | 50 | 60 | 40 | ||||
12 | SITI BASYARIAH P![]() ![]() | 80 | 100 | 90 | 100 | ||||
13 | ULFI KAIRIRI FADHILLAH![]() | 100 | 70 | 80 | |||||
14 | ZUHRA SARITZA | 90 | 70 | 80 | 90 | ||||
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![]() | |||
Class | : | 1 | |
Author | : | Evi Susanti, Sholehudin | |
Publisher | : | Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional | ![]() |
Date | : | 2008 |
Class V
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list world web domain extension "N"
- .na – Namibia *
- .nc – Kaledonia Baru
- .ne – Niger
- .nf – Pulau Norfolk *
- .ng – Nigeria
- .ni – Nikaragua
- .nl – Belanda * (first ccTLD registered)
- .no – Norwegia
- .np – Nepal
- .nr – Nauru *
- .nu – Niue *
- .nz – Selandia Baru
list world web domain extension "M"
- .ma – Maroko
- .mc – Monako
- .md – Moldova *
- .me – Montenegro
- .mg – Madagaskar
- .mh – Kepulauan Marshall
- .mk – Republik Makedonia
- .ml – Mali
- .mm – Myanmar
- .mn – Mongolia *
- .mo – Makau
- .mp – Kepulauan Mariana Utara *
- .mq – Martinique
- .mr – Mauritania
- .ms – Montserrat *
- .mt – Malta
- .mu – Mauritius *
- .mv – Maladewa
- .mw – Malawi *
- .mx – Meksiko *
- .my – Malaysia
- .mz – Mozambik
list world web domain extension "L"
- .la – Laos *
- .lb – Lebanon
- .lc – Saint Lucia
- .li – Liechtenstein *
- .lk – Sri Lanka
- .lr – Liberia
- .ls – Lesotho
- .lt – Lituania
- .lu – Luxemburg
- .lv – Latvia *
- .ly – Libya *
list world web domain extension "K"
- .ke – Kenya
- .kg – Kirgizstan
- .kh – Kamboja
- .ki – Kiribati
- .km – Komoro
- .kn – Saint Kitts dan Nevis
- .kp – Korea Utara (without DNS)
- .kr – Korea Selatan
- .kw – Kuwait
- .ky – Kepulauan Cayman
- .kz – Kazakhstan
list world web domain extension "I"
- .id – Indonesia
- .ie – Republik Irlandia
- .il – Israel *
- .im – Pulau Man *
- .in – India *
- .io – Teritorial Britania di Samudra Hindia *
- .iq – Irak
- .ir – Iran *
- .is – Islandia
- .it – Italia
list world web domain extension "H"
- .hk – Hong Kong *
- .hm – Pulau Heard dan Kepulauan McDonald *
- .hn – Honduras *
- .hr – Kroasia
- .ht – Haiti
- .hu – Hongaria *
list world web domain extension "F"
- .fi – Finlandia
- .fj – Fiji *
- .fk – Kepulauan Falkland
- .fm – Federasi Mikronesia *
- .fo – Kepulauan Faroe
- .fr – Perancis
list world web domain extension "G"
- .ga – Gabon
- .gb – Britania Raya (Reserved domain by IANA; deprecated – see .uk)
- .gd – Grenada
- .ge – Georgia
- .gf – Guyana Perancis
- .gg – Guernsey
- .gh – Ghana
- .gi – Gibraltar
- .gl – Greenland
- .gm – Gambia
- .gn – Guinea
- .gp – Guadeloupe
- .gq – Guinea Khatulistiwa
- .gr – Yunani *
- .gs – Georgia Selatan dan Kepulauan Sandwich Selatan *
- .gt – Guatemala
- .gu – Guam
- .gw – Guinea Bissau
- .gy – Guyana
list world web domain extension "E"
- .ec – Ekuador
- .ee – Estonia
- .eg – Mesir
- .eh – Sahara Barat (not used, no DNS)
- .er – Eritrea
- .es – Spanyol *
- .et – Ethiopia
- .eu – Uni Eropa (the domain code "designated" by ISO 3166-1)
list world web domain extension "D"
- .de – Jerman
- .dj – Djibouti *
- .dk – Denmark *
- .dm – Dominika
- .do – Republik Dominika
- .dz – Aljazair (Algeria)
list world web domain extension "C"
- .ca – Kanada
- .cc – Pulau Cocos *
- .cd – Republik Demokratik Kongo (dulunya .zr – Zaire) *
- .cf – Republik Afrika Tengah
- .cg – Republik Kongo *
- .ch – Swiss *
- .ci – Côte d'Ivoire (Pantai Gading)
- .ck – Kepulauan Cook *
- .cl – Chili
- .cm – Kamerun
- .cn – Republik Rakyat Cina *
- .co – Kolombia
- .cr – Kosta Rika
- .cs – Serbia dan Montenegro
- .cu – Kuba
- .cv – Tanjung Verde
- .cx – Pulau Natal *
- .cy – Siprus
- .cz – Republik Ceko
list world web domain extension "B"
- .ba – Bosnia Herzegovina
- .bb – Barbados
- .bd – Bangladesh
- .be – Belgia *
- .bf – Burkina Faso
- .bg – Bulgaria
- .bh – Bahrain
- .bi – Burundi *
- .bj – Benin
- .bm – Bermuda
- .bn – Brunei Darussalam
- .bo – Bolivia *
- .br – Brasil *
- .bs – Bahama *
- .bt – Bhutan
- .bv – Pulau Bouvet (tidak dipakai dan tidak terdaftar)
- .bw – Botswana
- .by – Belarus
- .bz – Belize *
Domain names
At first domain name can only be written with the Latin alphabet 26, but is now possible to use foreign alphabets with Internationalization domain name.
Domain name system (DNS) is a rule used in the naming system of this domain name.
list world web domain extension "A"
- .ac – Ascension *
- .ad – Andorra
- .ae – Uni Emirat Arab
- .af – Afganistan
- .ag – Antigua dan Barbuda *
- .ai – Anguilla
- .al – Albania
- .am – Armenia *
- .an – Antillen Belanda
- .ao – Angola
- .aq – Antartika
- .ar – Argentina
- .as – Samoa Amerika *
- .at – Austria *
- .au – Australia
- .aw – Aruba
- .ax – Ã…land
- .az – Azerbaijan
Various websites
1. Element 1 Text Editor. Examples are Notepad or TextEdit, where the HTML changed in the editor program.
2. Element 2 WYSIWYG editor. For example Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver, where the editing sites using the GUI (Graphical User Interface) and HTML formats are automatically generated by this editor.
3. Elements 3 editor who already has a template, for example Rapidweaver and iWeb, which, this editor allows users to create and update the website directly to the web server quickly, without having to know anything about HTML. They can choose the template that match their desires, add a picture or object, fill it with writing, and the instant they are able to create a website without having to look at all the HTML codes.
A dynamic website is a website that regularly, the information in it change, or this website can relate to the user with a variety of ways or methods (HTTP cookies or database variables, historical visits, session variables, etc.) can also by direct interaction with form and movement of the mouse. When the web server receives a request from the user to provide a particular page, the page will be automatically taken from the storage media in response to the demand requested by the user. A site can display an ongoing dialogue between two users, monitor the situation changes, or provide information relating to the user.
There are many types of software systems that can be used to generate Dynamic Web System and Dynamic Website, some of which are ColdFusion (CFM), Active Server Pages (ASP), Java Server Pages (JSP) and PHP, a programming language capable to Dynamic generated Web System and Dynamic Website. Site could also contain information including that taken from one or more databases or can also use XML-based technologies, for example, is RSS. Static site content is also in the generated periodically, or, if there are circumstances where he needs to be returned to its original state, then he will be generated, it is to avoid performing to stay awake.
Plugins are available to increase the number of features and capabilities of web browsers, which, this plugin is used to open content is usually in the form of excerpts from the motion picture (active content) for example is Flash, Shockwave or applets written in JAVA. Dynamic HTML also provides for the user so that he can be interactive and realtime, updating the web page (note; the page that was changed, no need to load or reloaded for the changes can be seen), usually the changes they made using the DOM and JavaScript which is available on all current web browsers.
As written above, outside there are some differences in the writing of website terminology. Although ¨ ¨ Website is generally used, but for the Associated Press Stylebook, Reuters, Microsoft, Academia, and the dictionaries are there, writing that they use is to use 2 words, the Web site. This is because the Web ¨ ¨ terminilogi not common, but short of the World Wide Web.
Website History
A website could be the work of the individual or individuals, or to show ownership of an organization, company, and usually a few websites that address the specific topics, or particular interests. A website can contain hyperling linking to another website, so, sometimes the difference between websites created by individuals with personal websites created by a business organization may not be noticeable.
Website written, or dynamically converted to HTML and accessed through a software program called a web browser, also known as an HTTP Client. Web pages can be viewed or accessed via computer networks and the Internet, the device might be, Personal Computer, Laptop Computer, PDA or Cellphone.
A website created in a computer system known as Web Server, also called an HTTP server, and this sense can also refer to software used to run this system, which then receives and sends the pages required to respond to requests from users. Apache is the software used in a webserver, and then after that is the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS).
Website Definitions
The pages of the website will be accessible via a URL called Homepage. URL regulate web pages to be a hierarchy, though, hyperlink, hyperlinks in the page set of readers and tell them sususan overall flow of information and how it went.
Some websites require subscriptions (input data) so the user can access some or all of the contents of the website. For example, there are several business sites, sites free e-mail, which requires subkripsi so we can access the site
Community web portal
Government web portal
Many American states have their portals that each provide direct access to eCommerce applications (eg, Hawaii Business Express and myIndianaLicense), web-site offices and departments, and more specific information about their homes, businesses, and places an interesting visit.
Most states mentioned above commissioned a firm to manage their portals. One of the most successful companies today are managing NICUSA state portals 18. NICUSA focuses on self-funding model and does not charge fees to the state for management, but more sustained than the payment applications are sold by the company.
Web portal company
Regional web portal
Along with the development and success of international web portals such as Yahoo!, The portal area is also emerging. Some portal areas have local content such as weather forecasts, road maps and local business information. Another striking expansion in the last few years is the shift to a market that had not occurred as the PRC. Web portal with a "local content - global reach" emerging in countries like India (Rediff) and China (Sina). Such portals are able to reach communities that spread across the world.
Development of web portal
Many portals that started their existence either as a provider of Internet directory and search engine facilities (Excite, Lycos, AltaVista, Infoseek, and Hotbot are some of the oldest services available). Expanding services was a strategy to secure user-base and lengthen the time a user on the portal. Services that require registration such as free email, customization features, and chatrooms were considered to enhance repeat use of the portal. Game, chat, email, news, and other services are also intended to make visitors stay longer, where it will increase advertising revenue.
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